I apsolootly love this game! BUT its not perfect (what is tho) the next things id love to see would be a few closet glitches fixed, a kitty diaper suit, and maybe some slightly different art some of the already existing diaper suits, making them bigger and or their shapes more appealing :3
from what i remember the updates are released about every 2 to 3 mounts, so the nexst one shouldn't be to fare of now, and there last activity ware around January 26 something, so there is no real reason to believe it is scraped at this point.
it used to be once every month, but the Pressure got to much so it got slowed down fore Health Reasons.
i think i remember a Pool of it on there discord, but it seems to have become privated since last i ware on it so i can't check the details anymore...
I am really curious what it is the causes the closet to always break and take away your stuff like your outfits. And why your outfit at times gets forcably changed. (example: having the sissy dress on, clicking on get dressed and go downstairs, tend to replace the dress with work cloths and sometimes remove the dress from the closet altogether) I also wonder why the diapers we buy dont show up there lol.
Also just an idea that popped to mind, but why not add a diaper bag to the shop that we can use to take our diapers with us on the go, or just as something to have around the house if not the previous.
So I had an idea pop into my head last night as I was going to sleep. So after getting other outfits and if the player has different baby funature such as the crib high chair and playpen, and if the player as been acting like a baby by letting the goo girl feed them from the highchair, she will begin choosing what outfit the player will wear each day.
When getting myself a caretaker after i was in the daycare i always eventually get this error when going shopping with them "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below." When i open it up in a new tab that is...Otherwise the buttons to continue the game just won't work. So i sadly can't continue on with the caretaker paths. Also one thing that i noticed is that (and i hope that im wrong) when taking sarah as your caretaker you're basically stuck in a endless loop of going shopping with her but actually not buying anything and nothing happens and you also can't safe. When you take your Boss or Jaden as your caretaker the buttons will eventually stop working when going shopping. I hope that this will get fixed or maybe im just doing something wrong?
Still the game is super duper awesome, keep up the great work~! :3
I also had the buggo you experianced with Sarah as the cartaker. And when I did the boss a refresh fixed the button not working for me (if i remember right)
Found another buggo! If you are in sissy mode, and have a normal or jumbo diaper on and ask to be put into a pink diaper the game more often then not tends to remove all of your outfits from the closet and often distort the avater shown on screen. I had on instance where they were in their work shirt, no bottoms and apepared to have bracers on their writsts and clawed green hands
something that i notice, if you are low on food sometimes your "caretaker" will call you about shopping, even if you do not i fact actually have a caretaker. Also why cant we appoint the goo girl the care taker? I mean she IS taking care of us lol
Hii! I noticed a small issue with Sarah. Whenever you run out of food and she comes to take you shopping, she brings out the stroller and when you try tapping on the options, nothing happens!
Getting covered with goo when a cboy makes your naked graphics futa.
After getting frilly sissy diaper through any means, your clothes disappear. So if you get the diaper by your boss in the bathroom, with the threat to not wear diapers, you also don't have clothes.
After a sissy becomes a girl, she continues to have thoughts about her size.
Many interactions with a penis despite not having one, such as the tube in a changing station.
Plenty of closet issues. Empty diaper section, can't change cat ears, body graphics changed back to male, but clothes show it correctly as female, getting stuck in the closet after selecting a diaper (when they actually show up), click the diaper window after that and you get a lot of repeated:
Tell xey error code: TypeError: response is not a function backbutton!
Forest gets broken, idk why, I now have no character icon, no wolf icon, and the locations of things all changed.
Still, I love the game, and I am familiar with dev and debug so I appreciate the effort that goes into it! Overall it is quite stable!
I find a Hot bar that tell you how much you baby be a nice Feature in the game my idea.
level 1
you use your Diaper so much that you need them. when you dont have a diaper on you pee and shit in you pants
Level 2
when you have a Pacifer more than 3 days in use you need it. and can't sleep and work without it . When you wear it 3 weeks you can buy a Pacigag or the googirl,Cartaker.
Level 3
you have so much time in Diaper you cant Chance it anymore you must go to a Diaper Chance Table, Park (maybe),Googirl,Cartaker when you caught 2 Times in Office you can go to the Office, when you work in Daily needs you can go to kefka Robin or Ema (i dont know the name),when you was in the daycare you can go to them, the Wolf Artica (maybe).
Level 4
When you sleep in a crib more than 3 nights you can only sleep in a crib or ypu fall out of the bed.
Level 5
You lost the skill to eat you must get Feeding from a adult. When you have a highchair or money you sit in highchair only.
Level 6
You can only speak like a baby and play only with Blocks. You have no right to Pick the the outfit the googirl or caretaker Pick it for you.
Level 7 A full baby
You must change you name to baby or sissy baby all npcs trade you like a baby when you want to buy a thing in the mall the adult say where is you mom and Pick you up and wait for the caretaker
"Gypsy" is... A racial slur for the Romani people. You might not want to use that one. Honestly that entire scene is a bit... Insensitive.
I.. can't seem to figure out how the c-boy thing is meant to be triggered. I've yet to find a situation where you can actually reach the googirl at a halfway point. Every combination I've tried has just led to the regular outcomes. Am I missing something?
← Return to diaper game
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I apsolootly love this game! BUT its not perfect (what is tho) the next things id love to see would be a few closet glitches fixed, a kitty diaper suit, and maybe some slightly different art some of the already existing diaper suits, making them bigger and or their shapes more appealing :3
How to get new costume
Why can't I Rate the game? It's 5 stars for sure!
If your on mobile rotate the phone screen to see more options. One of them is to rate the game.
how does one get the wolf diaper suit? i know you need to get a wolf plushy from the wolf in the forest, but I have no idea how
Get it from daily needs (probably Maya if you haven't tested yet)
Walk in the woods until you find the cabin, then ask the wilf there for a plushie, reroll until you get wolf as an option and there you go :3
thank you, I was able to find it :3
Youre welcome :3
I... I don't think they're coming back.
what makes ya say that?
from what i remember the updates are released about every 2 to 3 mounts, so the nexst one shouldn't be to fare of now, and there last activity ware around January 26 something, so there is no real reason to believe it is scraped at this point.
it used to be once every month, but the Pressure got to much so it got slowed down fore Health Reasons.
i think i remember a Pool of it on there discord, but it seems to have become privated since last i ware on it so i can't check the details anymore...
so long as they are okay thats all that matters :)
Where i can save? It say i can save in cartain places
when you leave the house you can save. Hope that helps
Will there be new update this month or next?
I am really curious what it is the causes the closet to always break and take away your stuff like your outfits. And why your outfit at times gets forcably changed. (example: having the sissy dress on, clicking on get dressed and go downstairs, tend to replace the dress with work cloths and sometimes remove the dress from the closet altogether) I also wonder why the diapers we buy dont show up there lol.
Also just an idea that popped to mind, but why not add a diaper bag to the shop that we can use to take our diapers with us on the go, or just as something to have around the house if not the previous.
Anyways hope ya doing ok Xey!
will there ever be a PC version that you can download maybe?
You OK, Xey?
It feels like you can never save.
Try the external save
So I had an idea pop into my head last night as I was going to sleep. So after getting other outfits and if the player has different baby funature such as the crib high chair and playpen, and if the player as been acting like a baby by letting the goo girl feed them from the highchair, she will begin choosing what outfit the player will wear each day.
Is the new suit out?
When getting myself a caretaker after i was in the daycare i always eventually get this error when going shopping with them "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below." When i open it up in a new tab that is...Otherwise the buttons to continue the game just won't work. So i sadly can't continue on with the caretaker paths. Also one thing that i noticed is that (and i hope that im wrong) when taking sarah as your caretaker you're basically stuck in a endless loop of going shopping with her but actually not buying anything and nothing happens and you also can't safe. When you take your Boss or Jaden as your caretaker the buttons will eventually stop working when going shopping. I hope that this will get fixed or maybe im just doing something wrong?
Still the game is super duper awesome, keep up the great work~! :3
I also had the buggo you experianced with Sarah as the cartaker. And when I did the boss a refresh fixed the button not working for me (if i remember right)
Oooo thank you for the tip, imma give that a try later hehe >w<
how do you save with pc please tell me.
if you mean save your game. When you leave your home for the day you can save your game before choosing a place to go by clicking on save.
Question, how active is this games discord server?
Guessing it's a bug but you don't get any opportunities to save after getting a care taker or stay home, just work and back everyday.
Found another buggo! If you are in sissy mode, and have a normal or jumbo diaper on and ask to be put into a pink diaper the game more often then not tends to remove all of your outfits from the closet and often distort the avater shown on screen. I had on instance where they were in their work shirt, no bottoms and apepared to have bracers on their writsts and clawed green hands
goo girl tgtf with potential merging???
Bahasa Indonesia:
something that i notice, if you are low on food sometimes your "caretaker" will call you about shopping, even if you do not i fact actually have a caretaker. Also why cant we appoint the goo girl the care taker? I mean she IS taking care of us lol
Pls help how to get aksesori hats
I think a shop at the mall has them
what name
Hii! I noticed a small issue with Sarah. Whenever you run out of food and she comes to take you shopping, she brings out the stroller and when you try tapping on the options, nothing happens!
When is next update i thout it was suposed to be this month
How do you unlock the wolf suit I can't figure out how to unlock it
U need to get plushies from the wolf in the cabin in the woods
When is the goo girl tf gonna be added? Anyone know? The game is great as it stands though!
how to unlock white hair knot
What exactly has been expanded about Daily Needs?
Sarah diaper check crinkle crinkle squish:
Tell xey error code: TypeError: response is not a function sarahused!
On reloading the game I always have poor food, for some reason... EDIT: the next day it corrects, so no real impact.
Great game! I have noticed a few issues.
Longer hairstyles go through the boobs.
Getting covered with goo when a cboy makes your naked graphics futa.
After getting frilly sissy diaper through any means, your clothes disappear. So if you get the diaper by your boss in the bathroom, with the threat to not wear diapers, you also don't have clothes.
After a sissy becomes a girl, she continues to have thoughts about her size.
Many interactions with a penis despite not having one, such as the tube in a changing station.
Plenty of closet issues. Empty diaper section, can't change cat ears, body graphics changed back to male, but clothes show it correctly as female, getting stuck in the closet after selecting a diaper (when they actually show up), click the diaper window after that and you get a lot of repeated:
Tell xey error code: TypeError: response is not a function backbutton!
Forest gets broken, idk why, I now have no character icon, no wolf icon, and the locations of things all changed.
Still, I love the game, and I am familiar with dev and debug so I appreciate the effort that goes into it! Overall it is quite stable!
I find a Hot bar that tell you how much you baby be a nice Feature in the game my idea.
level 1
you use your Diaper so much that you need them. when you dont have a diaper on you pee and shit in you pants
Level 2
when you have a Pacifer more than 3 days in use you need it. and can't sleep and work without it . When you wear it 3 weeks you can buy a Pacigag or the googirl,Cartaker.
Level 3
you have so much time in Diaper you cant Chance it anymore you must go to a Diaper Chance Table, Park (maybe),Googirl,Cartaker when you caught 2 Times in Office you can go to the Office, when you work in Daily needs you can go to kefka Robin or Ema (i dont know the name),when you was in the daycare you can go to them, the Wolf Artica (maybe).
Level 4
When you sleep in a crib more than 3 nights you can only sleep in a crib or ypu fall out of the bed.
Level 5
You lost the skill to eat you must get Feeding from a adult. When you have a highchair or money you sit in highchair only.
Level 6
You can only speak like a baby and play only with Blocks. You have no right to Pick the the outfit the googirl or caretaker Pick it for you.
Level 7 A full baby
You must change you name to baby or sissy baby all npcs trade you like a baby when you want to buy a thing in the mall the adult say where is you mom and Pick you up and wait for the caretaker
HOW DID YOU FIND IT AND HOW DO I OBTAIN IT?! (sorry if it's all in bolds, I was just shocked.)
i dont find it it was a idea of a new game thing
well you said two words, that said "I find." Was that a typo of some sorts.
How do i ask the goo girl about breast size?
Be home and do chatting with her and one day you have the option but before you must transform to a girl with overfloading diaper
Do you plan making the game available to downloading?
Bunnies don't care if I enter the daycare wearing their collar.
Pls give a new update
Couple of notes:
"Gypsy" is... A racial slur for the Romani people. You might not want to use that one. Honestly that entire scene is a bit... Insensitive.
I.. can't seem to figure out how the c-boy thing is meant to be triggered. I've yet to find a situation where you can actually reach the googirl at a halfway point. Every combination I've tried has just led to the regular outcomes. Am I missing something?
something broke, damn it