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Deleted 2 years ago

i very much agree with the femboy part, as a femboy myself i respect you.

(3 edits)

little advice for you xey, it might be a bit more smart to add the finish... you know... the whole ending of the game? like the whole point of the game was to help get the googirl to be able to speak... yet if you do get her to 100% opacity the text isnt even added, maybe add that before adding more side content? just my advice though.

(edit)forgot to mention a glitch i found, if you wear baggy clothes after being turned into a girl, your breasts will disappear but you will remain a girl.

I encountered this problem. Not sure if other did

So when i clicked on some text(the one that's clickable) it's suddenly stopped there doing nothing. (Literally) nothing in the text can be clicked.

And when i loaded from my last save. It's stuck on the choice of "Home, Mall, Office"etc.  I tried multiple times but it still doesn't budge. I don't know if this just my computer or the Game.

And please bear with me. English isn't my first language. And I'm still learning it

On a note. I also experienced Bobburnaby5 (comment from a month ago) problem

But That's not entirely troublesome as i only need to reload or load the save again


March 1st update day and how is everyone?

is anyone else having a problem with actule starting the game?

I am as well

is it possible after becoming a sissy to wear the female work uniform?

I think it's only for males

im mean the male sissy try to wear the female uniform


You should make this game so it can be downloaded

is it normal for your saves to break randomly? i used all five save slots and have been recycling them but when I try to load one of them the right window collapses, the middle window scrolls to the most recent text in that save but doesn't give me options to navigate anywhere.

This is the kind of thing I need logs from. So I can do my best to fix them. The save system has been a thorn in my side since day one. But we are slowly making it better. One or two glitches still seem to persist with it though

Another thing I have been experiencing is saves breaking completely.

(2 edits)

I for the life of can't figure out the "Dealing with arachnaphobia" achievement, it seems so simple

Hummmm maybe it is bugged.... Those achievments are a rather new feature. I think that one is just for the cass quest in the park on the weekends.

Is it- Is it normal for the game to delete your save if you haven't been on for a few days? Cause that just happened to me-

It only deletes saves when I post major updates. I am working on a way to have achievements survive the updates so that they can unlock progress if you have already done something.

I think we will have achievement related unlocks come in the next update.

Unless it wasn't because of the update 4 days ago... Then noooo it's not supposed to do that

Are there any way to recover it?

Do NOT go to the park at night if you’re wearing the diapersuit. Due to unfinished content you will become trapped in one location afterwards and be unable to return to the rest of the game.

You certainly can escape. I think one of the best parts of that update is escaping from the daycare. Asria is the way out.

Talking to other people as well as interacting with the front desk both give me messages that they will be implemented in a future update. How would I talk to this Asria?

She is the cute thing in the plushy pile. Just keep playing with her and it should give you the info needed. In the new update you can look at the chart to see what to do next.

Thanks I was able to figure out how to escape :D also Asria is really cute and I love them <3

I dont know if it's because I'm playing on a phone but it won't let me play the game. Is anyone else having this problem?

i have found out why i couldn't play it myself, then i just gave my browser permision to use cookies then it worked


How do you get the pumpkin suit?

Its like.... a week or two into game it will get mailed to you

(1 edit) (-1)

February 1st update day time to update to the next version and i'm back with a new phone everyone 👍

What ever happens to Silver after you convince him to wear a Diapersuit? Is that just the last we ever see of him?

.... For now...... *playmates update hint hint*

Ohhhhhh.... I see...

Is there a discord? I keep hearing there is a discord, but there is no link, I saw in comments that Xey said it was in the left in the game but I don't anything that links to the discord?

it is right under the stats menu. if you are on phone you need to swipe to the side to see the character and stats. the discord link is toward the bottom on the stats menu above the volume control.

Also if you put the workshirt on it glitches to be stuck on at points in the game.

(1 edit)

How do you get the sissy steps (the sissy story portion like get treated like a sissy)?

you have to overfill your diaper at work and then it will trigger the sissy route, but also I believe you have to raise your coworkers suspicions. If you need anymore help you should def join the discord :)

(1 edit)

I did, multiple times, gave me the information that usually goes the become a girl route (the steps to run back home) Didn't change anything except a few dialogue here and there. My co-workers suspicion is maxed.

in that case it could be a bug? Have you tried completing starting over with new save slots? If so it’s probably a bug since over filling at work is what’s supposed to trigger it. 

Does the Boss's suspicion have to be maxed? If so, she's the only one if not than a likely glitch

Yeah. If you max out the boss's suspicion twice and wear a pink diaper diaper then you'll get them started.

Is it possible to overflow your diaper at work once you've started walking around work with your diaper showing? I've been trying to do so, but every time it waits until after work to overflow.

when i see the text the goo girl is going to pay for it 

it maks me feel like my perdiction is coming true that the goo girl is gonna get a job

(1 edit)

i also kinda wish after you complete the story there could be other endings or like a freeplay option something like that, and i found out if you get your new diaper (frilly diaper event) and transform into a girl you cant get that same (frilly diaper) diaper from the ofice so chose the endings wisely 

how do you get the frilly event?

whenever I try to do the asria escape on the Samsung browser it just freezes up on me and says that it's unresponsive maybe if I try it on chrome it would be different


Happy New Year Everybody January 1st update day!

Happy New Year everyone!

Man, this game is great!! I've poked around it, and based on what I've read, I doubt I've even scratched the surface of the amount of content in this (though I believe I've made a dent in it)! There are several errors here and there, some of which have been addressed in the comments; and while I would love to report them to help out with this game, I think the next public update is coming out tomorrow (or sometime soon, wouldn't blame you for updating a little late for New Year's!), so I'm gonna wait until that happens.

If I wanted to help more with the development of this, how could I do that? I saw you had a Patreon and a Discord, so I think those might be worth checking out.

Aside from that, this game is amazing!! It pokes all the right buttons, and is super cute as well! It almost seems kind of innocent, but I think ABDL is generally deceptively innocent by nature. The art is great, each of the characters have fun and unique personalities (the googirl is by FAR my favorite) (and Maya is just... gosh... >//<), and the background music fits perfectly. All in all, this thing has a lot of potential! Keep up the good work, and have a Happy New Years!!


Has anyone else had this recent problem where after a few changes the buttons disappear? Like, you're getting a diaper change and when you click on either of the options (wait while changed or ask for a specific diaper) the buttons will disappear and you can't continue the game. All in all I really like this game and can't wait for the next update. Also sorry, I didn't know where I could report a problem.

I'm pretty sure that got fixed in this month's patreon update. You just have to wait until it comes out for everybody.

it happend to me as well it was when you got the event diapers and i keep trying to avoid them so i dont have this kind of pawblem


Do you know uf you may end up adding mitts as well as booties so you can get scenes of you not being able to use stuff like getting out of the crib or the playpen while wearing non-diapersuits.

(1 edit)

i kinda want some events that when your sneaking/walking in the office wearing a diaper/diapersuit have an option like y know sarah .etc  i think some fans of this game would like it right xey 


Oh sorry I missed your previous messages XD Yea this is the public version and all I can do is try to make sure it is fixed in the patron version. Then the next month the fix will be in the public one.

Also it is WAY easier to poke me on discord (button on the left in game)

Either way, the diapersuits could use some more unique reactions. There actually are some after you get "promoted" I recommend the dragon diaper after you get promoted XD

i know ive seen the bosses reaction and when you walk by here she tries to feed ya with here boobas yeah i got that one one 

which is cool and awesome and if diapersuits were real id wear a dragon diapersuit or a orca diapersuit 

i hope those bugs can get fixed when the new update comes out 

i think i found an error when you rush out of the office with a full diapersuit like the orca diapersuit for example it gets a bug and well shows you no options

i also found another bug i was playing when i got caught by one of the workers say not malco nut i think jayden who did it and well its kinda anoying that these bugs i find are anoying and keeps happnng at the office 

and when you try to chose a diaper after getting the special diapers it just says nothing 

please fix this soon 

i don't want to keep seeing a blank choice where i cant even make the choice  


1st of December update time 👍

What time is the update coming out?

It's usually the 1st of every month for non patreon members and earlier for patreon members

(1 edit)

Are there going to be fox/kitsune diapersuits that have to do with Malco? Also, am I correct in thinking that he's a kitsune? Also, does anything come of the boss noticing you in the dragon diapersuit or will she just say the same stuff every time? Also, while in the office and only wearing a diaper, sometimes I have a shirt appear on me.

Trying to do the re potty training doesn't work

There are some bugs inside the specific event. It's possible to tweak them from the browser, but it corrupts the save so I wouldn't recommend it except to see the scene.

If you just want to tweak the character continence then it's possible to do that through the console. It'll fix it for the current play session but it doesn't seem to be picked up by the save. 

How do you get the new diaper outfit?

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

uh how do you even get the frilly diaper event 

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